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If you’re looking to launch your own online store, WooCommerce is a great choice for you to build your business with. But the question is how you can do to running a successful business with WooCommerce and how to improve your site day by day? Let’s go through a few tips that you can use today to make WooCommerce Store look nice and keep your site running smoothly.

1. Make Sure Your Store is Properly Set Up

Even though WooCommerce is easy to install and set up, you need to take the time to go through the more advanced settings options after the initial setup and make sure everything is configured to your liking. You should do more to set up your WooCommerce site perfectly. For more tips about setting up WooCommerce, check out: Initial WooCommerce Settings.

2. Use Quality Photos

Don’t ever underestimate the power of photography when it comes to an online store. Many best WooCommerce store priority using quality photos for your site because getting great pictures of the products are an important step towards getting your customers to browse through, and eventually buy from your store.

If a user visits a product page, they definitely want to see the item first and then they just see other things of the product. So why you don’t show them the best pictures of your products. Use large images on product pages and make sure your product images are high-quality. You can show off plenty of details of each product and are presented on a well-lit background.

You should use some plugin that allows users to zoom in on individual images and cycle through multiple images so they’re in complete control like implement a lightbox plugin and make sure they scale nicely when viewed on smaller screens.

If you’re arranging to have your products shot, ensure that they are photographed with a consistent style, setting, and lighting conditions. This is necessary because your customers can compare products on your site easily and accurately decide what they like best.

Choosing to source good shots and ensure that they are photographed with a consistent style, setting, and lighting conditions. So that users can see the details and finish of your products, and if possible, see them in action too.

3. Create Useful Content

A WooCommerce store definitely need more content to make them professional and useful for users. These content maybe is the information of products, your company or some news. As an online business catering to your specific market, you can build your blog to share the unique experience of your company.

You can build your blog content by talking about what your brand stands for, what your customers are and how they can get most out of your products. But it has to base on the processes you’ve set up to ensure the best quality products, to engaging with customers to learn about their needs. Besides, one thing you need to remember that your content you share on your site needs to be useful and presenting brief, concise and beautiful. Don’t ever writing too long because your customers don’t have time and patience to read them all.

4. Include And Involve with Your Customers

According to a study, 63% of online shoppers say that they are more likely to buy on sites with positive reviews and friendly with users. It means if you don’t build your site friendly with your customers, you will have nothing and if you give customers who love your business and shop with you often some features, they will stay in touch with your site.

To do this, you can do many things, you can send out newsletters when you have a special offer at your store or send them an email with a special discount code or a coupon. This can ultimately lead to establishing trust and creating loyalty to your brand.

Be sure to allow users to submit reviews and ratings of your products to let others know what they liked and what they didn’t. These reviews are helpful and it will also give you insights into what customers are interested in and what’s important to them. Besides, it can help increase product conversions.

5. Increase Visibility With SEO

As a WooCommerce store, it’s necessary to ensure that your site and products can be found easily by users on search engines. So to do this, you have to increase visibility with SEO. It means taking a few steps towards optimizing your site content for search engines to properly index your store. It will help improve your ranking on search results and bring in more visitors. When your site gets the high rank, you can approach with more customers.

One of the best SEO plugins you can use for your site is WordPress SEO by Yoast. This is a plugin that allows you to easily add meta descriptions, keywords, optimized permalinks and more to ensure that search engines know where your content is, and what it’s about. And of course, it’s free so you only need to download it.


Running a successful WooCommerce store request you to do a lot of work. It’s not easy, but I believe with these tips and tools, you should be well on your way towards making sales and creating lasting connections. Good luck!

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