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As you all know, product images are photographs or pictures that simply describe the goods being offered for sale. These pictures can be taken in several ways by different angles or lights and contexts. With certain types of customers aimed at, product images are designed differently to attract customers’ interest. Nevertheless, when running an online store in WooCommerce site, ones should not ignore the WooCommerce Product Images Size. This can contribute largely to customers’ satisfaction and your store’s revenue.

The Importance Of Choosing WooCommerce Product Images Size

One thing you must know is that the images you use in your offline advertisements such as images in printed magazines or newspapers are different from online images. For those images on your website, they need to be as vivid and colorful as possible. Therefore, your customers find them attractive and they will have a tendency to have further exploration of the products. WooCommerce Product Images Size is also one of the factors contributing to the customers’ attention. Next, you will wonder which sizes are appropriate to your WooCommerce Product Images? The answer is WooCommerce Product Images Size depends on how you like it to be.

The Right WooCommerce Product Images Size

Let’s start with dimensions of the images. You must identify how large you like the images to be. They should be as large as the screen resolution allows. Maybe it’s not surprising to you that the largest location to display your images is in the product lightbox gallery. You need to know which screen resolution is the most popular among your customers. Then, you resize all of the images to fit that resolution. This step is taken in order to bring customers the most enjoyable experience. The second thing for you to note down is the filesize of such images. The filesize is the size of the file on your hard drive or server. This will have certain impacts on your bandwidth usages as well as general site performances. If you want your images quickly loaded and you want to save Internet usage at the same time, you should consider the appropriate filesize. There are several ways to reduce your filesize. You can tick “Save for web and devices” when exporting images in Photoshop or use third party applications. Large images would consume the greater amount of time and more bandwidth to load.

How To Change WooCommerce Product Images Size

Even if you are not satisfied with your product images size, things can be different. You can totally customize the default images size on your WooCommerce website. Just a few steps will make your dreams come true.
1. Firstly, you should go to DashboardWooCommerceSettings
2. Secondly, click “Product” category ⇒ “Display”
3. Scroll down to “Products Images”. You will see three settings product images in this category: Catalogue Images, Single Product Images and Product Thumbnails.
4. Save changes.

Catalogue Images and Single Product Images

Catalogue Images are those with medium size that display in a product loops like shop page, related products, etc. While Single Product Images are the largest images of a single product on the product details page. With the developer tools, it’s easy for you to know the current image dimension. You can right-click the image and select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”. You can adjust the dimensions you would prefer just by entering the values. If you change the dimensions after you have uploaded product images, you will need to regenerate your thumbnails before you can do so. Downloading a new plugin named Regenerate Thumbnails is also an option.

Product Thumbnails

Word Press and WooCommerce are very creative when they create product thumbnails when you upload full-size images. That means if you did optimize your full-size images, it will surely decrease the filesize of all thumbnails are based on it. It’s very important that you carefully select appropriate dimensions for your theme. Too small dimensions can cause images problem such as blurry images on the frontend regardless of how big your full-size images are. So make sure that the maximum image sizes are at least as big as the dimensions your themes are rendering for such thumbnails.

Product Images Size On Retina Display

We have known that Retina Display has a higher pixel density than other displays. They might have twice as many pixels or even more than older displays. On these displays, you should set your thumbnails to be double the size rendered by the theme. For instance, if the theme rendered an image at 160 x 160 px, you should set your thumbnails to be 320 x 320 px.

Wrapping Up

Finally, there are various perfect and attractive product images on your online shopping website. The right settings for such images will prevent a lot of issues such as blurry images. Once you have taken WooCommerce Product Images Size into consideration, all your customers have to do is to enjoy their shopping time!

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